Traditionally used to benefit the kidneys and bowels, dandelion tea has been prized for centuries as a remedy for fluid retention and bloating. Now, our expert team has selected this hedgerow herb as one of the main ingredients in our NutraRelease blend, which is designed to keep your body’s fluid levels balanced.
As a natural diuretic, dandelion tea helps to keep fluid moving through our bodies, removing waste and preventing swelling and bloating. It also supports the digestive system. In NutraRelease, we’ve combined this detoxifying herb with other ingredients that strengthen the bladder and urinary tract, such as uva ursi, nettle, and parsley.
Fluid retention doesn’t just leave us feeling swollen and puffy. It can also be associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular issues. However, dandelion’s high potassium levels might also help to keep our blood pressure in check.
Bearberry Tea for Kidney Health
Also known as Uva Ursi, bearberry tea is a popular herb for supporting and strengthening the kidneys. Like dandelion, it is a natural diuretic, and is used as a traditional remedy for bladder and urinary tract infections. In fact, these two herbs complement each other beautifully, which is why they are two of the main ingredients in NutraRelease.
Naturally antibacterial, bearberry helps to prevent infections and keep our urinary tract healthy. Another of its uses is in treating kidney and bladder stones.
Like many of the other ingredients in NutraRelease, such as juniper berry, parsley, and dandelion, bearberries also help to increase urine flow, combatting fluid retention and swelling.
Ada P Clark –
I was really bloated from water retention. Drank 2 8oz cups of tea with a tsp of honey and finally started releasing that extra fluid next day woke up with less swelling in my ankles and abdomen. The taste is not bad at all if you don’t mind the herbal taste of the parsley and with a little honey it is actually an enjoyable cup of herbal tea.