Fenugreek Increases Breastmilk and Lowers Blood Sugar
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a medicinal food that tastes and smells like maple syrup! No spoonful of sugar needed for this medicine. The seeds are sweet, pungent, warming, and full of mucilage. Tea made with fenugreek seeds supports normal digestion, so NutraTea herbalists created NutraReflux to prevent and soothe acid reflux. Fenugreek’s healing mucilage soothes and nourishes mucosa of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, so we also included it in the throat-soothing NutraThroat. Fenugreek lowers total and LDL cholesterol, so we used it to formulate the NutraLipid blend. This sweet legume also has the power to lower elevated blood sugar, which earned it a place in our NutraGlycemia tea blend. Inspired by fenugreek’s ancient use as a breast milk tea, our herbalists developed NutraMother, a tea blend that supports lactating mothers.
The amber colored, rhomboid seeds contain flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, saponins, glycosides, coumarins, and minerals. Sotolon is the aroma compound responsible for its delicious maple syrup smell.
Promotes Normal Digestion
Fenugreek supports normal digestion in multiple ways. It nourishes the mucosa of the GI tract and respiratory tract, preventing the growth of ulcers. Thanks to its polysaccharides, mucosa inflamed by indigestion and acid reflux are soothed. It also supports healthy metabolism and reduces food cravings, supporting healthy weight management. Its fiber content promotes regular waste elimination, preventing constipation. Its protective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect on the gut can also improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Our tea blend NutraReflux soothes the gastrointestinal tract and prevents acid reflux, ulcers, and constipation.
Lowers LDL Cholesterol and Elevated Blood Sugar
Tea made with fenugreek seeds supports healthy guy microbiota, offsetting adverse effects of a high fat diet that predispose one to heart disease and type II diabetes. Fenugreek’s high fiber content lowers total and LDL cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels. Supplementing with fenugreek tea can be a helpful tool in preventing and managing chronic conditions associated with high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. NutraLipid lowers lipid levels by supporting healthy cholesterol levels. NutraGlycemia is formulated to lower blood sugar levels and manage pre-diabetes and diabetes.
Supports Production of Breast Milk
Historically, lactating mothers with low breast milk supply have incorporated fenugreek into their diet. Recent studies back up this folk wisdom. It seems to be most effective at increasing milk supply in the first two weeks after birth. Mammary glands are sweat glands modified by hormonal stimulation. Fenugreek seeds contain hormonal precursors in the form of glycosides and saponins like phytoestrogens and diosgenin, which stimulate the mammary glands to produce more breast milk. Try NutraMother, our tea blend that supports lactating mothers.
A Real Sweet Pea
The name “fenugreek” derives from the Latin faenugraecum, or faenum Graecum, meaning “Greek hay.” Since its evolution in the Mediterranean, fenugreek has been a prized medicinal food. The herb is an annual in the pea family. It has yellow flowers and light green, trifoliate leaves that resemble those of clover. Not only are fenugreek seeds healing to humans, but they arefood for rabbits and fish, and the plant’s greenery makes excellent fodder for ruminant animals. Fenugreek’s thin seed pods are ripe for harvest when they turn yellow, before they burst open. Culinary experts roast the seeds to full unlock their sweetness and mitigate any bitterness. It is a characteristic Indian curry spice. Thanks to its lovely aroma and emulsifying fiber and gum properties, people even use fenugreek in soaps and cosmetics.
NutraTea herbalists crafted five tea blends that include fenugreek. Choose from among them and harness fenugreek’s healing powers to target specific health concerns like indigestion, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, low breast milk production, and sore throat.