Functional Herbal Teas, Guides, Health & Wellness

Elderberry the Antiviral

Elderberries are even more antioxidant than blueberries

Elder (Sambucus nigra and S. canadensis) is an antiviral herb with a special affinity for combatting influenza viruses aka the flu. Elder’s berries, aka Elderberry, produce a sweet, tart tea that helps your body defend itself against the flu and other viruses. NutraTea herbalists combined Elderberry and Echinacea to create a tea blend that bolsters and stimulates the immune system to fights the flu. Formulated together, Elderberry and Echinacea are as effective as conventional antivirals. When drunk regularly, Elderberry tea can protect one from the flu entirely. Taken right at the onset of flu symptoms, the herb shortens the infection’s duration and reduces its severity.

Elderberry protects the heart

Protector Against Cold and Flu

The common cold and flu are caused by viral respiratory pathogens. Flu viruses often mutate. Because of their complex phytochemistry, herbs like elderberry adapt and remain effective antivirals, undeterred by mutations. Elderberry has proven effective against eight different influenza viruses; the degree of inhibition is comparable to Tamiflu. Its healing compounds prevent viruses from replicating and maturing. In addition to being antiviral, Elderberry is antibacterial and antifungal.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power of Elderberry tea is due to its wealth of polyphenols (80% anthocyanins) and flavanols. It’s even more antioxidant than blueberries and goji berries! This all reduces oxidative stress. High antioxidant activity reduces the inflammation that causes flu aches and pains. Being analgesic and antinociceptive, Elderberry reduces sensitivity to pain in general. Its diaphoretic properties open the pores and induce sweating, encouraging removal of toxins through the skin. As a diuretic, it increases urinary frequency, further encouraging detoxification.

Anthocyanins explain much of the berry’s magic, but a multitude of other constituents are also important. Elderberry contains iron, potassium, beta-carotenes, phosphorus, vitamins A, B6, and C, and amino acids.


Protects Heart Health

Supplementing with Elderberry can help prevent cardiovascular disease. It reduces plaque buildup in the arteries and strengthens the blood vessels. Anthocyanins prevent heart disease and can protect eyesight. This may explain why Elderberry is particularly beneficial to the health of the microcapillaries in the eye.

Elderberry contains anthocyanins

History of Elder

Elder is a member of Caprifoliaceae, the honeysuckle family. The perennial, low-growing tree produces showy, white flower umbels around the Summer Solstice. The dramatic hue of its dark purple berries reflects their abundance of anthocyanins. Harvested in the wild, the raw berries can cause vomiting, so cooking them is essential. The genus name Sambucus has ancient Latin, Greek, and Aramaic roots, deriving from the name of the musical instrument sambuke, a harp made from the plant’s hollow, woody stem. In the West, the common name “elder” likely refers to the way people who work with elderberry as medicine live long and become elders. Folk medicine recommends it to treat so many diseases that Hippocrates called it the medicine chest of the people. Native Americans make an offering to Elderberry before harvesting it. In Europe, offerings in honor of all medicinal plants were traditionally made to the “Elder mother,” who was believed to dwell in the Elder tree.

Elderberry protects against cold and flu

Elderberry and Echinacea

Elderberry tea stimulates the immune system. Drinking elderberry tea is prophylactic against the flu, protecting your body from becoming infected in the first place. Drinking elderberry tea right at the beginning of a flu infection will increase the herb’s efficacy against the virus. The Elderberry and Echinacea tea blend harnesses the power of two herbs proven to work synergistically against the flu and in support of a strong immune system. Perfect to enjoy every day, a cup of Elderberry and Echinacea is particularly advisable before and after air travel. Participate in an ancient herbal tradition and arm yourself against flu viruses.

Elderberry and Echinacea