Cleavers Detoxifies, Supports Kidneys, and Prevents UTIs
Cleavers (Galium aparine) is a tonic, alterative herb that safely, gently detoxifies the body by supporting the lymphatic system and strengthening the immune system. It also supports the health of the kidneys and urinary tract. NutraFlow is a tea blend containing cleavers that helps maintain urinary tract function, encourages excretion of harmful bacteria, and eases inflammation. NutraRelease is another cleavers tea blend that supports the excretory functions of the urinary tract and kidneys. Cleavers also protects the liver and breasts. Plus, it’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Cleavers pops up in Spring, just in time to be gathered for a cleansing tea that banishes winter stagnation. This herb is perfect for easing seasonal transitions. It’s mildly caffeinated, so it’s best to drink your daily cup in the morning.
Herbal medicine uses the flowers, leaves, and stems for tea. These aerial parts contain:
- Alkaloids
- Tannins
- Coumarins
- Flavonoids
- Phenolics
- Acids: Salicylic, Caffeic, Gallic, Citric
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help the body rid itself of toxins and waste. It transports lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, around the body. When you’re sick, the lymph glands can become obstructed. This is like an obstructed sewer system: waste builds up. Cleavers keeps the lymph glands unobstructed, enabling the lymphatic system to detoxify and remove viruses and bacteria from the body. Cleavers also tonifies the lymphatic system, strengthening the immune system in the process.
Urinary Tract
Herbalists have treated urinary tract infections (UTIs) with cleavers for thousands of years. The herb empowers the immune system to fight off infection. Cleavers is demulcent and soothes an infected, inflamed uterus and urethra. This and its anti-inflammatory properties reduce discomfort. Its diuretic properties increase urination, flushing out infection-causing bacteria. Drinking cleavers tea regularly can prevent recurrence of UTIs. Even in cases of acute or chronic cystitis with swollen lymph nodes, cleavers can help. NutraFlow is the perfect tea blend for treating and preventing UTIs.
Illness can cause decreased blood flow to the kidneys. The kidneys react to less blood by retaining fluid. In doing so, the kidneys hold on to excess sodium and other minerals, potentially forming kidney stones. Cleavers helps the kidneys release minerals, toxins, and excess fluid by increasing urinary frequency. If you have a pre-existing kidney condition, speak to your healthcare provider before using cleavers. NutraRelease is a cleansing blend that supports the kidney so they can keep filtering waste.
Cleavers protects the liver from damage and cleanses it, helping it heal. Cleavers also stimulates bile production and prevents bile ducts from becoming clogged.
Lymph stagnation in the breasts can cause cysts over time. The drainage-supporting, circulatory effect of cleavers can clear this stagnation and swelling. Taken daily for six to twelve months, cleavers can reduce cysts in the breasts.
More about Cleavers
Cleavers is an annual plant in the Rubiaceae family. It has a square stem with leaves that grow in whorls. The leaf undersides are “sticky” due to many tiny, hooked hairs, which the plant uses to grab onto neighboring plants and climb up to the light. This trait earned cleavers their name from the Old English word, “to cleave,” which means “to latch onto.” Its name aparine means “to seize” in Latin. The flowers mature into small burrs that stick to animal fur and the clothes of hikers; this adaptation spreads the plant’s seeds far and wide. Cleaver burrs supposedly inspired the invention of Velcro. The aerial parts of the plant were once used as bedding material, and another of its common names is “bedstraw.” According to legend, Virgin Mary made a bed of cleavers in the manger for baby Jesus.